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Cultural Glimpses

Stories of people and places from around the world

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The world is filled with diversity. Diversity of plants. Diversity of colors. Most importantly diversity of persons. Each person is unique in a delightful way. Each person has a story. Each culture has a story. Each story is worth knowing.

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Stories help people connect. They help highlight the uniqueness and value of cultures different from our own. Stories open the window to see the richness of peoples experiences. Cultural stories open people eyes to people different from themselves.

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Communication is hindered because of an unwillingness or inability to understand differences. The Culture Story is on a mission to break down those barriers. Communication across cultures can be difficult, but it is possible.

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The Culture Stories

Tea with Ziwa – An Interview

Tea with Ziwa – An Interview

By Francesca King Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA Ziwa Halim places a plate of cookies and a tray with tea glasses on the coffee table.  Her 1-month-old baby Adam sleeps nearby, 4-year-old Yusef tumbles around on the couches, and second-grader Huda settles into a seat to...

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Baba Olla – A Ukrainian Story

Baba Olla – A Ukrainian Story

Olla managed to feed her goats. Fix a bit of tea for herself. Lay on the sagging couch in the little entry room. Reach for a bottle of vodka. Day into night into day into night. Her large house stood too empty, too silent, too dark. Or was that a better description of the cavity in her chest?

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Uzbek Joy

Uzbek Joy

Dodging muddy pot holes. Talking about what is growing in front of people’s houses: alfalfa, tomatoes, flowers, leafed-out quince trees. We’re head for a joy, which literally means a “place.” We greet people we know and people we don’t know. Doctor Aka stops and gives...

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